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  • Writer's pictureLauren Meir


Updated: Nov 19, 2022

There are few things that sound as beautiful as my 7-year old daughter's voice

as she recites poetry too complicated for her to fully comprehend. But she does understand, on a visceral level,

what it means. Words like "heirloom" and "assimilated," reading loud and clear

"chambered by grief"

in her lilting singsong voice. She is quiet when I read, absorbing

with her luminous eyes. Large, doe eyes. Afraid, maybe, but quick -

sharp about the edges of things

she is just beginning to understand. "The world is a complicated place," I tell her.

I explain what "haven" is. What "forefathers" are.

Why we become the things we carry. She fidgets

her hands, no longer empty, holding mine.

Would that I could reassure her with the prayers she holds

like a worry stone, precious and unwound in her heart.


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